Thursday, October 15, 2009

A Possible Solution to Divisions on Health Care?

             I had never heard of Senator Thomas R. Carper until I read this article in the New York Times.

            He posed something related to health care that I had never even thought of: allowing the states to accept or reject certain aspects of the new health care plan. Honestly, that’s the smartest thing I’ve heard lately.

            I know, I know, bills are supposed to take a long time to go through. The jump into government health care is a big one, and the plan must be as thought-out as possible. It needs to not only be feasible, but representative of what Americans want, and a legitimate solution to the severe problems with our health care system.

It seems as though nobody can agree. And honestly, I doubt they will change their minds anytime soon. Party members can’t agree with fellow party members, and there are so many different ways to go with the plan. It’s such a divided issue that there won’t be anything like a consensus anytime soon. Given this, it seems as though the best solution is to split it up and allow those who want it to accept it.

Even if it’s not the health care plan Obama wanted, or the plan the country needs, it could lead to a huge increase in citizen welfare. And who knows, if it works well in the states that adopt it, it could spread throughout the country gradually, getting passed in states that were previously hesitant. Obama did make a campaign promise, but it seems as though a large portion of the country isn’t ready for his health care plan. And if a solution makes everyone happy, why not use it?

1 comment:

  1. Wait, I agree. That does sound like the smartest concept to allow states to accept or reject aspects of the new health care plan because who knows when it will finally be voted on. While I think this concept makes the most sense because it will speed up the process and in theory make the most people happy, it could become tricky if each state has different health care plans. Like with same-sex marriage, so much conflict has arisen from that because in one state homosexuals can marry, but in another state their marriage is not recognized. Will this be the same for health care? If I live in California and I am covered under their plan but need to use my health care in another state for some reason, will I still be covered? But perhaps until everyone can agree on one health care plan, this might be the next best thing.
